Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

exhausted. happy. concerned. content.

too tired is my guess.  left home at 6:50am.  my daughter and i got home at 8:20pm.  long day.  walked home to mail saying i have a bill in collections with a card company that must be a scam..because i never had a card with them.  but it means yet another thing to deal with tomorrow.  then, no check from the ex...again. hard to plan dates to put bills through when he doesn't choose to do what he's supposed to.  but it's not something i can fix, so i am going to choose to rest.
i am happy.
i enjoy my work.
my job.
my teammates.
i love spending time with my daughter.
although some things are troubling her and i wish i could fix them.  but, she's going to get through it. at least she talks to me.  she's  pretty amazing.  someone is talking disrespectfully....to her, but even more what bothers her is about me. sigh.  it doesn't matter. i know it doesn't matter.  but, it's her friends.  or people who used to be her friends.  they are gossiping to others at her school and then she hears it and i know that it makes her feel badly.  she disagrees with what they are saying.  apparently i have too many rules??  seriously??  and i'm annoying because of my rules.  snort.i am one of the least rule oriented parents that i know.  i have high expectations.  i won't settle for less than respect, but rules?  they are pretty minimal.
it was nice to have dinner and have her talk to me.  i wish that i could solve it, but i know that that wouldn't help her in the long run.  it's something she has to work through.  she has to have her own opinions. apparently, she does. she finds disrespect appalling.  you go, baby!
joined pto. i'm the only t.  i like it.
i am finding ways every day to show appreciation. each and every day.  it's so much fun.
i am finding my niche.
so, i'm concerned about money.  yet, sure that the needs will be cared for.  i'm exhausted, but the reasons make me super happy.
life is so very good.  i love my life.  deeply.  wholeheartedly.
i need sleep.

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