Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Used....in a good way

I enjoy my work.  It's hard and consuming.  It's exhausting and not full of a lot of kudos.  Yet, I love what can come from working with kids every day.  It grows me.  But, there's something else about work...there are all of these adults as well.  And this last week, I found that God has a use for me with them too. Three separate times I have been approached about God, religion and faith this week.  THREE.  Amazing.
First person said, "I wish that I could be like you and have faith, but those people in churches are so messed up."  I said, "That's why it's about relationship and not religion."  She was agreeable.  We still simply just enjoy one another and act like we are 40 years younger.  I just want to be her friend.  Not my job to push her, it's my job to be used.
Second person, "I just don't understand this whole religion thing.  People are so mean about it.  Don't know how anyone can be involved."  I said, "That's why it's supposed to be about relationship and not religion.  People cling to religion to have rules and regulations to make them feel like they are accomplishing something and to keep others 'under control'...especially their kids."  She said, "That makes so much more sense."
Third person, "We've been getting to know each other, and  I was wanting to know more about your family tree."  (those of you who have followed this blog know that my family tree is mostly grafts and a huge gnarly mess)  I was on my way out the door.  I gave a less than five minute overview of my past...from birth to now....and all of the mess, unfaithfulness, fear, lies...whatever.  Then I said, "But the thing is that I never walked alone.  God walked through it all."  She said, "That gives me chills, I want to know more when we have more time."  She is a non religious Jew.  I got a follow up email saying that she had really been thinking about our talk and wanted me to know how she already loved me but felt so good that I would be vulnerable with the truth of my life.
A testimony.  A life lived that points to God.  Period.  It's not about some religious thing written out and planned.  It's about seeing God in our past.  It's about seeing His hand, His provision, His protection and putting it into real words with real friends.  It's not a spiel.  It's an answer.
A testimony is a living, breathing life.  It is the life of which we speak.
I have been used.  Oh, how good it is to be used.

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