Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, February 23, 2015

doing less

doing less.  being less.  expecting less.

i give wholeheartedly.  not to everyone.  to a select few.  yet.  somehow.  i find that i give over the top and maybe just have to scale it back.  i've been trying.  it feels....uncomfortable.  i like spoiling.  i like giving.  i like spending big amounts of time with a few rather than equal amounts of small time with a lot.

but i am weird.  even to the ones who love me.  and i know that they do.  but i am too weird or complex to get, i guess.

i love celebrating my good friends.  love it.  like, i can barely stand not doing it.

i used to make elaborate plans to take my best friend out.  i enjoyed spoiling her.  i loved planning a day out.  it was a way to give of myself.  but...she felt awkward or because not all of our friends get that from someone.  so, i quit.  then it was a dinner or a  lunch.  an evening celebrating all of the birthdays of the month.  but, it's not the same.

i am working on doing less.  working on letting it be ok to just be ordinary.  but.  it's not.  it means not being me.

today was a hard day.  i am having to let go of someone i met and i have to act all normal about this whole learning to do less.  i haven't felt well and it makes me tired....but, so does this emotional thing.

i just want to be me.  i want to CELEBRATE.  i want my desire to do so to be seen as...a gift...not a thing to put up with.

today was a hard day.

resting until i pick up my daughter.  then straight to bed.

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