Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, February 22, 2015


this is my year of jubilee.  my 50th year.  i turn 50 in april.  i have planned a trip in july to celebrate.  i rented a house that can sleep 15 people.  i invited people.  i got a lot of wishy washy answers....it was a little disheartening.  but, to be fair, i didn't say, "this is my big deal for my birthday because most years i don't do a whole lot...".  this year i want to do this thing.  i want people that i care about to come.  whoever can.
getting divorced changed me.  i used to wait for others to decide.  i used to wait to be "celebrated".  now, i am going to celebrate.  no matter what.  no matter who can come.  i chose the date.  i chose the place.  i chose to include and pay.  i chose.  and it felt good.  even if nobody else comes.  i am peaceful.  however the trip ends up will be right.  i just have to remember that nobody is accepting or rejecting me..they are just doing what they need to do.  gotta remember that.  because i am still smarting from over twenty years of rejection.  i am still hurting from how my ideas weren't good.  how my dreams were ridiculous.
maybe they are.  but they are mine.  my dreams.  my hopes.  my desires.  because being with people i love is my priority as i turn the corner to the last third of my life.  most likely about 2/3 done. maybe half? :)  and i want to be sure that i do, say and experience the things that life has to offer.  i want to pay the cost.  i want to do it.  period. but all i can do is ask.  offer.  and enjoy what comes.  be present in what is.
it's the last summer of having a high schooler.  mind boggling.  i am going to breathe in every bit...deeply.  i'm going to jump and do the crazy, fun and silly stuff.  i am going to choose not to always look responsible.  i want a life that's memorable. i want my memories to be full of beauty and laughter.  i want my life to be full.
i want the JUBILEE.  not the mundane.  i choose more.  i choose to keep asking.  to keep reaching out.  to keep choosing to find the moments to remember.

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