Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

ever learning

i'm still learning.  every day.  all of the time.

i have to learn how to keep my house tidy when i'm busy.  i'm working on it.  playing catch up this week.  i've weed eated a 1/3 acre of mess already....half way done.  Most of the windows washed.  have a list made.  daughter did fridge and freezer.

have to keep at it.  have to figure out what works for me.  i don't mind a little mess....it's just that there's a tipping point that is difficult to come back from.
you'd think that young adult children would help with that, but they don't.  it's harder than when they are small and you can "rally the troops" so to speak.  those "kids" that come home have their own ideas and habits and they don't want to help.  at all...usually.  they do help some and then it's a big deal.  but the daily stuff, the putting in some extra time each day....they balk or even bolt.  they want it to be their own choice and own idea.
but i am learning.
learning to love my home.
because that has taken me a long time since my divorce.  painful.  like a horse kick.  happens pretty fast, but leaves bruises and pain.  my ex didn't make time for working around the house...he worked obsessively and wouldn't stop.  it makes all of us..........cringe.  and that's not healthy either.  so, balance is really important.
so, off i go to weed eat more and to line/clean kitchen drawers.

here i go....................


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