Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

too short

no matter how long we get, life is short.  a blink.  even if i live another 50 years on top of the 50 i've racked up,  even if i could have another 50 beyond that.  there would never be enough time.  to love.  to give joy.  to encourage.  to smile. to hug.  to cry with someone.
my grandma has died.  and this has been a hard week.  but, it also reminds me to not let the petty stuff be a problem.  she did a lot of living.  dancing.  taking care of others.  though the dysfunction of our family...set in place so early on in her own marriage.....made things hard these last years....i still love how she lived so vibrantly.
i miss her being in the world.
hard week.
good week.
life is too short.
to make people know
they are loved
i will never have enough time to tell my kids
or grandkids
i love life
and i want to live full out
but sometimes i get dragged down by hurts
still very tender
i might want to live kindly
in fun
but i still get wounded on the journey
over stupid stuff
so stupid
but, i am still fragile and have to give myself time
they tear at me

life's short
can't let them keep ne
from doing good
being vulnerable
being giving
being generous
i know life is short
so short
and even if words
or expectations
hurt me sometimes
i can get through
because it is ever so short
so i will
allow myself to hurt
when i feel embarrassed
or ashamed
but i will get right on back up
and be vulnerable again
and again
and i will give
my heart
my love my smile
my joy
i will share HIM
in who i am
cuz life's short
and i want to make every minute count

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