Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I am learning that I don't want to be ashamed.  
That I don't have to feel shame.
But, often I do.
Like a failure.
But when I really stop.
And take the time.
And look.
I know.
Know that what I've chosen.
Has taken courage.
And hope. 
And truthfulness.
Sure, I'm sad.
Sure, I wish it had been different.
But my hopes
and prayers
and desires
and wishes
and trying
and giving
and believing
never made it different.
It only made me different.
Made me incapable 
of living life full out.
And I am starting again.
Not easy.
But possible.
And I am going to learn to hold my heard up.
Not just outwardly...
but in my mind and heart too.
To believe that I am worth it.
Tonight I attended 
a party for a very special young lady.
I wouldn't have wanted to miss it.
But the ex was going too.
And it has been trauma 
and drama
in my heart.
I wish that I could
just talk like a normal person.
Not worry about what he is doing.
Or thinking.
Or that he is there.
But he makes me uncomfortable.
And he doesn't seem to try not to.
Maybe it's the only power left.
But I get to choose.  
Whether he has power over me
or not.
I get to choose to believe 
what God says about me
or not.
I get to choose
how to live.
I get to choose
to thrive.
And I want to 
To be truly.
I made it through this night.
I was cold.  
It wore my body out.
As in limp kinda' tired.
But it also
made me
Because I did a hard thing
for someone that I 
care about.
That made me happy,
Right there in the midst of the pain.
A friend told me to go and 
be happy.
To let him see
that I'm doing well.
That seemed a little
I always worry about how he feels.
But I purposed to do it as well as I could.
As honestly as I could.
And here I am.
Feeling proud.
Knowing that I can do the hard things.
So can you.

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