Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Coming Out

It takes each of us our own time.  In our own way.  With our own particular struggles.  It takes us time to uncurl.  Stretch.  Fight to get out.
It takes being ready.  Not looking ready to others.  Not seeming ready.  Nor others telling us we are ready......actually being ready. Being strong enough.  Developed enough.  Strong.  Ready.
 The hope is there.  The faith.  The possibility.  But the waiting has to occur.  It's necessary.  No being can be rushed.  Not safely.  Pushing another can cause pain.  Or deformity.  Or, sometimes even death.  It keeps the chick, the butterfly and the flower from being as they should be.  It denies opportunity.
That's what those who love us do.  
Just as we do it with those flowers, chicks and butterflies. 
We hold our breath.
But we never say, "you aren't doing it soon enough."
There's a time for every thing under heaven.
Every emotion.
Every plan.
Every dream.
And it's ok to still be in the curled up fetal stage.
it's ok to reach out and push on the walls and see if you can get out yet!
Maybe you are ready.  
Maybe today is the day that you begin pecking your way out of  your shell.
Don't be afraid.
You have time.
You will get stronger as you work at it.
That's why it's a process.
Now, if others would just learn not to interrupt the process.
I think that this is especially true for teens.
And 48 year old women named Grace. :)

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