Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

i called it

i always knew that my ex would move on to someone else pretty easily.  he's dating.  and he wrote to ask if he could pursue a "serious" relationship.  and i was so bubbly and overflowing with joy it is crazy.  totally crazy.  but i am so glad that he'll go on.  glad that he won't be faking it anymore regarding me.  the woe is me guy was a fraud.  i knew it.  but, i still had to live with everyone feeling sorry for him.  it was grueling.  and this just makes me thrilled.  i'm sad for her in some ways.  my ex didn't take time to figure out what his part was in the breakup.  he said that he took responsibility, but he did not.  that's ok for me.  it's not so great for a new relationship.  nothing like a charming guy moving on.  good for the one he's moving on from.  not so good for the newbie.  but, she's a grownup.  he went to high school with her.  his mama will be so much happier that he is with a texas girl.  maybe she'll even be lutheran.  that would make it all good.
i find it odd that he asked me about dating after he's been going out for a long time.  the kids know it.  it's awkward.  i feel badly for him.  say or don't say, but don't act like you are doing it right away when you've been dating for a long time.  silly.  he's single.  no reason not to date.
maybe someone counseled him to ask me if it was ok.  or to let me know.  probably because he was discussing getting serious with someone new.  fine with me.  totally.  i could have been so thrown, but i wasn't.  i was giddy.  joyful.  happy.
i knew it. always knew it.  that's how he was.  how he is.  nobody is more important than himself.
and frankly, at this point, i'm glad he's moving on.  it's a relief.

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