Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

a pic is worth a thousand words

in the last few days, my ex posted his pic with his girlfriend.  yesterday he posted an explanation about the "cute blond" with him.  and suddenly it all fell into place.  i realized that sense that he was never happy with me.  and wishing to do anything so that he would be happy because i loved him.  and he is.  and somehow, though he left a lot unfinished with this family, it's ok.  and, i always knew in my heart that if i was gone that it wouldn't take him long to find someone else.  
so, seeing the pic was a good thing.  a gift.
god is good.  all of the time.

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