Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, March 28, 2015


I had to push the reset button this week.  I was focusing in the wrong place and on the wrong things.  I was overwhelmed and feeling overlooked and unappreciated.  And the fact is that my life is pretty overwhelming. And, I am pretty much overlooked and not in a place in life where I get many kudos.  However, there was only one reset button to push.  It wasn't a button labeled notice me.  Nor a button labeled appreciate me.  The button labeled stress free is permanently stuck.  The only button that I could push was the CHOOSE button.  Choose happy.  Choose thankful.  Choose encouragement.  Choose to be who you are.  Choose to smile.   Choose deep joy.  Choose to see the beauty.  Choose life.  Choose love.  Choose laughter.  Choose genuine.  Choose peace.  CHOOSE.  My life is not something being done to me.  It is a process that I am going through.  And I get to choose how to learn, how to give, how to be blessed...each and every breath.  Circumstances and others are NOT up to me, but how I respond, what I see, how I react, how I act, how I cope, how I grow...those are up to me.  So, I pushed the reset button.
And life altered completely.  Absolutely.  The sky was bluer.  The house was possible.  The job was again a blessing.  Every sunrise.  Every cloud.  Every reflection on the water.  Breathtaking.  The sound of birds came again.  I saw the flowers and not just the weeds.
Whatever is good.
Whatever is excellent.
Whatever is worthy of praise.
Whatever is noble.
Whatever is true.
Whatever is pure.

Think on these things.
And the God of peace will be WITH you.

Choose.  Choose to reset.  The world doesn't reset.  WE reset.  And it takes a hard moment of decision.  A moment of knowing that all will remain the same while we allow our hearts to be realigned.  Then the rest follows.

So, the sun is brighter.  The jobs are doable.  The problems are opportunities.
People think I'm an optimist.  Not really.  Positive thinking gets me nowhere.  But focusing on good  On beauty.  On truth.  Somehow, it completely changes how everything looks.  Feels.  Seems.
It's like twisting the kaleidoscope and making a new design out of the same shapes and colors.  Lovely.

blessings, my dears.  

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