Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I am full of thankfulness.  Of joy.  I see good.  When I look in my garden, I see beauty.  When I look at my patio, I see comfort.  When I look in my home....well, I see people.  But some people don't see what I see.  They see weeds.  They see the crookedness of the stones.  They see the messy floor or the unfolded laundry.  And I struggle.  NOT with how I feel.  Not with what I believe.  But with the many years that have worn me down and caused me to feel like perfection is the goal.
I've decided that I want a goal of grace.  Not perfection.  I want to live and be comfortable not worry about what people are thinking every two minutes.  I want to love and give and receive from people who really like me for who I am.
Really.  Without having to make allowances for me.
Because that's how I am with people that I love.  I want to be spectacular in their eyes.  Not perfect.  But worth it.  I really don't want people in my life who have to try to accept me or love me.  I just want it to be something they can't imagine not doing.  I want to be someone that matters.  Not because my garden is right...but because they can appreciate and see the beauty that I see.  Even if it's not how they would do it.
I'm on this topic because the big party is almost here and I am having to "settle" on some things not being done.  Period.  And that needs to be more than ok.
I am full of seeing good.  I only freak out when I try to look at things like I know some do.  "Oh, that is crooked, that is messy, that is frayed, that is...." and that is when I panic a little bit.  But that's not who I am.  I am full of hope.  Of seeing good.  Of thinking good things.  And for that, I am happy.  It makes for a beautiful and amazing life.
But....I hope they aren't offended.  Maybe they'll just notice the food?  Hope it's good. ;)

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