Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, December 30, 2013

a word

i've been working on my word of the year.
fit so well last year.
a true godsend.
and now...
attitude?as in a good attitude.  positive.  choosing well.  thinking well. doing good.
dream?see the possibilities.  think on them.
risk?go for it.  make the move.  act.  do. even when it seems.....like a risk.
dare?as in doing what is right, kind, unusual, different.....even if it's all alone.
grow?go further, try more, challenge.
grit?hang on.  pursue.  move.
gumption?get up and go.  good attitude.
revel?stop and enjoy what is.  be present.
journey?move on.  enjoy the road. don't get stuck
explore?enjoy new things.  look into possibilities.  be aware. be open.
thrive?quit surviving and start thriving.  wholehearted.  full hearted.  heartily.  with gumption.
pluck?gumption with a dash of attitude.
persevere?this seems a little too much like surviving.  did a lot of that.  time to....fllllyyyy!!!
heartily?all out.  no half measures.  go for broke.  as unto the lord.
speak?time to use my words.  words are tres important to me.
shine?i've been blending in for a long time.  i like it.  but perhaps it's time to be visible.
soar?quit bumping along and take off.  spread my wings.  quit being scared of falling to the ground.

so many very good words in this world.  many more..this is my pared down list. :)  i'm narrowing it.  shall reveal it soon.  what about you?  who do you want to be this year?  just one word.  one challenge.  one reminder.

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