Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Traditions in our family came about not because we set out to do them but because we did it once and for some reason  liked it....and then they remember they liked it....and then they say, "but we ALWAYS do.....".  It makes me smile.  Because my family didn't come premade.  I didn't have expectations about how we would HAVE to do things.  It has evolved over time.  Our own unique and funky, quirky and silly ideas of how a holiday should be.  For instance....making gingerbread houses AFTER Christmas.  I know.  Weird.  But we really enjoy that quiet week.  It's fun to bake and do project kinds of things.  Relax and enjoy the end of the hectic schedule that always comes in December if you have lots of kids in school.  We make peanut brittle.  And fudge.  Yes, often AFTER the holiday.
Sometimes we have been known to see a movie on Christmas Day.  Weird, I am aware.  But still, quite enjoyable.  We usually go to Chinese on Christmas Eve.  That happened because my grandparents were coming to town to visit us and my husband always worked at night, so they said they would take us out to dinner.  Guess what?  No place was open.  So, we went to Chinese.  Voila.  The tradition was born.  However, this year, one of my kids wants pizza....so, we'll see.
Or the Northwest coast.  We went with friends once.  Then, we went another year.  Now, it is "our" place to go.  A year without the Oregon Coast is simply not the same.  Even the year I took them to Georgia instead.
Tonight I've been a little bit sad...two of my boys aren't home.  And, some of our traditions around this time of year involve who does what.  My second son puts the lights on the house.  He's in Oregon and the other two refuse.  Well, I could MAKE them, but that somehow makes it lose it's fun feeling.  And my eldest decks the tree out in lights.  He's the king.  Patient and neat.  And tall.  Good combo for the job.  He's not here either.  I put the lights on the tree myself.  Perhaps it is the feeling that I know that my traditions have all come from my kids and soon my kids will all be gone...and then so will my traditions.  At first I was teary.  It's hard.  But then I decided that just as those traditions began without a plan.....so will my new traditions.  I will be ok.  I have to let them grow up.  Have to let them pull away.
And tomorrow is shopping day....them and their friends.  It's also one of those traditions.  When they were little it was a trip to the dollar store.  What a hoot that was.  Nine little kids running around the aisles "hiding" their gifts and getting all excited about the cap guns and other knock off toys.  As the years have gone by, this particular tradition is important to me because I've seen how the kids have grown.  My kids have been planning and working out how to have money for this day.  They actually think about the person receiving the gift now and what he/she might enjoy.  I absolutely love that.  It blesses my socks off.  Because it wasn't what I planned.....but, it was my desire that they would learn to be good givers.  And, they are.  So, I look forward to tomorrow.  Though it feels a bit not like it "should".....kids missing....growing up....not as much time in life to do things....but, I need this this year.  And maybe they do too.  To remember how good it feels to stop for awhile and think about other people and what they want.  I hope that it's good.  I kinda need a cheery boost.
Traditions are good.  Right now I'm in the midst of my own messy tradition....trying to get the house put together after bringing in Christmas boxes.  Having a hard time of it.  Tired today.  Stayed up way too late.  Woke up early.  Yikes.  Hey, we got a tree today, got it trimmed and put up.  That is enough to be thankful for in one day.  And I will just leave tomorrow until tomorrow.
grace to you.

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