Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, June 11, 2012

in the middle of a perfectly good day

well, i really like my job as a "reader" for standardized test scores.  it's no stress.  it's a definite schedule.  it's easy.  but, today, in the middle of my perfectly wonderful time scoring....the bomb came.  they want me to be a senior reader.  yikes.  really?  i've done it before.  it was hard.  it was stressful.  i got yelled at. and...all of the other senior readers have already qualified on the questions.  i will be starting behind.  and i don't remember much about all of the paperwork.  great.  ok. and i nearly had a panic attack.  i said i didn't really want to.  they said that they really needed me too.  a woman has to leave because of a family emergency.  i am ready...they say. ;)  i took a few minutes and went and got tea.  went in the bathroom.  prayed.  and like a voice, i heard "ALL THINGS...not just what you are comfortable with."  Oh, really?  And I realized that doing this will prepare me to take bigger steps again.  To be brave when I am afraid.  To step boldly.  it seems small.  but it's big to me.  but maybe it will help to prepare me for the day that i have a real teaching job.  because frankly, that seems terrifying at the moment.
i am not sure, but i know that all things are possible.  and i'm going to embrace that.  live it.  breathe it.  remember it.  cherish it.  camp on it.
what is on your "all things" list?  you know....that list that you make of the seemingly impossible things?  because until recently, for me, it seemed impossible to ever simply breathe and be happy again.  but it wasn't. ALL THINGS.  to them that believe.

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