Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, November 4, 2013


my son.  eldest first born.  kind hearted.  not spiritually motivated right now.  but, a nice young man.  he has been with his girlfriend for over four years.  and they broke up tonight. it hurts  lots of fond memories.  for all of us.  they made a good decision together.  but it hurts...them...and me.  and it will hurt for others for awhile too.   not because it's not good, but just because it's change.  it has been all of his adult life.  and hers.  she was his first love.  so they won't be seeing each other for awhile...to make it easier.  but, then they plan on seeing one another.  she is still welcome in our world.
i ache for them.  because it was probably a very good decision. yet, it's hard to get out of the rut and make it.  it's painful.  it's a huge loss.
i hope she goes home and gets lots of loving.  because her dog died today too.  and he is where she would normally go for comfort.  for hugs.  for snuggles.  poor thing.
and he depends on her.  and it's going to be hard for him to get some things done.  he's not used to doing it on his own.
but, though those things are true, i know that they had grown apart.  i saw it back in the summer.  they like each other.  they just are headed different ways.
but it's still hard.  really, really hard.  because i know that they are going through huge emotional upheaval.  and to have chosen that means that they need to do it.
and it might be forever.  and it might not.
my son needs to find out how to follow through on his own.  how to be determined, on his own.  he has always had her.
talking with her is hard too.  they have loved.  and even now...they want to do it well.  so proud of them. and so sad.  and she also found out that her grandpa only has a couple of weeks to live.  my heart is heavy.
i am so proud. they are being wise.  not just going with the flow.
god, may your will be done.

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