Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

the little things

the big moments are nice.  but it's the little things that bring me comfort and joy.  it's the little things that spark the thankfulness in my soul.  and i think that makes me weird. odd.  strange.  different.  unique.  quirky.  because i am enchanted by the seemingly simple things.  mundane moments.  the blessed reassurance of the expected.
the sun rising.  or setting.  little things?  well, taken forgranted by most.  happens everyday.  will keep happening everyday.  until there are no more days to have.  but i love them.  they make me catch my breath and want to squeal.  each one is unique.  beautiful.  signifying the beginning or the ending to another blessed day on earth with the beautiful show of color and shadow.
coffee.  in general.  the smell.  the sound brewing.  the warmth of the cup.  the bitterish sweet, bold flavor.  the caffeine.  the time with a friend to sit and enjoy.
time with a friend.  it never gets old.  never seems like a job.  it's so easy.  such a blessing.  a boost.  a laugh.  a tear.  a hug.  a moment to just be.
laughter.  with my kids.  oh my goodness.  it causes my soul to take flight.  to soar.  i revel.  play.  feel the healing of the release of laughter.
a drive.  somewhere pretty.  or unique.  traveling in the here.  i'm weird.  nobody likes to go with me.  it's fun to sneak off a bit.  but sometimes i wish it would combine with the kids or the friends section.  but...that's part of my weird that annoys others.  i just like to take time to marvel.  whether it's a place in the city.  or a mountain drive.  or a drive on a beach.  far and away, taking time to just enjoy is one of my favorite small moments.  not rushing.  maybe because life is always so rushed?
i love the little moments.  the expected things that are really unexpected.  because each one.  each time.  is new.  every. single.  day.  and for me, that's huge.
i love the little things.

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