Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

renew a right spirit....

what does it really mean, i wonder.  to renew a RIGHT spirit.  not a "normal" spirit.  not a boring spirit.  not a perfect spirit.  but....right.  i used to think that it was to make me turn from sin.  and...to some degree, that's true.  but i think that it's more.  i think that it is renewing me to be in sync with my creator.  to connect on deep levels.  to be made one with him.  to be seen as righteous has happened.....because i'm clothed in jesus.  that is how it is.  but, sometimes, inward turmoil keeps my spirit from being righted.  upright.  stable.  i think that when god renews that spirit, MY spirit, he does what i used to do with my children's toy boats in the lake.....stand them back up so that they can float again.  sometimes my spirit is sinking.  tipped over.  askew.  and god puts it right again.
life is hectic.  tiring.  wearing.  and FUN.  life is so very fun.  so wonderful.  so full of beauty.  when god makes things right in me, i am able to see the beauty he creates.  i am able to marvel at each of the miracles he provides each day.  i am able to walk in sync with him.  in rhythm.  not afraid.  not wondering when i am going to misstep, but just as it is with a good dancer to lead, simply following and letting him hold on and make the turns.  yep.
renew.  a.  right.  spirit.  in.  me.  please.

thank you.

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