Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

saying yes

yesterday, i got up with that nagging headache and sore throat that you dread feeling.  but, i got up and got my kids going because it was prom night.  we had errands to run....flowers to pick up, cash to get, tux, underclothes....and we had to firm up the schedule so that mom could get to two different sets of pics.  with all of that, i knew that after i got them going, i'd be able to rest so that i'd be alert to go pick up at after prom at 4am.  but then the decision moment came.  my son's group wanted to have their dinner outside at the park.  nine people.  five in long dresses.  rain was forecast.  but they really wanted it.  so.  i said yes.  i said, let some moms help you.  we will set up and take down.  order food.  make pretty.  bring a table and chairs.  there went my resting plan.  ha.  but that's ok.  saying yes makes way for memories.  even if it costs.
so, i woke up this morning...nearly afternoon after the long drive....and that headache and sore throat were worse.  much worse.  and yet...i was happy.  i said yes.  and we won't forget the night.  the photos.  the smiles.  the event.  and today, i'm a bed potato.  but that's ok.  so are my kids.  we are all limp and tired.  and happy.
the other great part about saying yes was remembering my best friend who is so willing to say yes.  she always has inspired me.  so many people i'm around say no all of the time.  especially to kids.  she said yes as well.  and the solidarity made me feel doubly blessed.
on to more rest...

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