Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

heart's desire

do you ever ask yourself what if?  i don't mean the bad kind...the "oh my goodness, what if everything goes wrong" what if.  i mean the "what if i could choose anything?" i mean...dreaming.
do you ever look at what is inside?  do you see your heart's desire.
i know.
christians always say, "why, it's christ."  well, duh.  not to be snide or snarky, but yeah, we know that.  but what does that look like in the life you are living?  what does christ long to do in you?  have you to do?  what rocks your boat and makes you want to sing and dance?  what puts a smile in your eyes and joy in your heart?  what is it?  what if?  what if everything could be just as it should be?  what would it look like?
and then.......a little harder....why doesn't it?
most of the things in my life are lovely.  and christ is using me in ways that fit.
however........some things........they are less than satisfying.  and truthfully, they remain that way as i allow them to.  oh, some things christ allows...the thorn in my side.  but, when the thorn is extra weight and i am eating two desserts and not moving more than ten feet from my home, well, that's not really something he has placed there..it's a choice i'm making.  and if i want it to change then i have to do something different.  so, here's to doing something different so that some things can look like what my heart truly desires.
blessings my dearies.

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