Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


i took a class on moving today.

kids that move more learn more.  adults that move more learn more.  and...have less strokes, parkinson's, cancer, heart attacks, colds, and for women, a 37%less chance of dying early.  women who regularly sit for six hours out of their day literally have a THIRTY SEVEN PERCENT higher chance of dying early.  and, depression, mood disorders, and most brain disorders can be improved by the improved chemical production and neural stimulation simply by moving.  not sitting. not laying down.  cardio or not.  just......moving.  it increases i.q.  it improves the ability to problem solve.  it creates the yummy chemicals that make us feel satisfied, content and happy.
there has been entirely too much laying down.  i know it.
sometimes i can barely do it when stuff is rough with the ex.  i find myself curling up.  yet, this last few months, i have been doing something different.  i still curl up some.  grab a blankie.  but i also don't STAY there. i get back up.  i garden.  i take a walk.  i weed.  i mop or sweep.  i do something.  even if i have to put myself in the car to go somewhere all by myself because there's nobody to help me out of the funk, i do it.  i get in the car and go to the store.  or the park.  i get up.  i do something.  and when i'm standing, i try to do more movement.  i want to be healthy.  truly healthy.  body, spirit and mind.  and if i want it, i have to DO something to get it.  it's not a freebie.  
i want to be present in my moments.  which, i do pretty well.  but i will do better if i exercise.  if i get out and about.  if i enjoy the fresh air that's even better.  
so tonight i'm eating al fresco...albeit alone.....writing...and doing my hand watering.  i worked hard today and i could have come home and crashed.  i made a different choice.  i spent about twenty minutes vegging and then i decided what i needed to do net.  i don't want to decrease my life expectancy.  i have lots of dreams yet to live.  i want to see more grandkids. i want to travel.  i want to live by the sea.  i have dreams.  if i want to do them, i have to pay attention to these little details.

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