Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

self control

some people are food junkies.  i am a foodie.  i like food a lot.  but, i can go without something even if i want it without that much self control.  but there are connections, relationships, and emotional things that i really crave.  i like being remembered.  i like being asked.  but, i also like touching base and doing the asking.  and, while it's good to connect, it can also be annoying.  so, i find myself feeling much of the time at odds with taking care of my needs and being thoughtful.  it's a tough balance.  i know that a lot of it has to do with the vast amounts of time that i have alone.  i know that it's that though i'm an introvert, i like to share things.  something shared is so much lovelier.  however, i keep remembering that if i'm doing too much asking and nobody else is asking or inviting me...then, probably it's time to move on in life.  makes me cringe.  i'm a stayer. with people.  with relationships.  but i haven't seemed to put myself in a place in life that my needs are going to be met.  i have school friends.  and they are fun.  and they make me laugh.  and we learn a lot from one another.  it's not the same though.  they are coworkers who are there because we are thrown together. so i struggle.  i have to show self control.  though life has been strange and without much  laughter with friends time.  i have to figure it out.  i love to laugh.  absolutely love it.  and it's good for me.  so, i will work on learning to laugh anyway.  good practice since all of my kids will be gone in just a couple of years.
so.  self control.  doing something i don't want to do.  i can do it.  i know i can.  nooo problem.  well, maybe a little problem.  but, it will get better. eventually.

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