Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, September 15, 2014

oh. my. goodness.

i live in a pretty happy place.
i enjoy my work.
i enjoy my home.
even though it's messy.
i enjoy cooking
and simply having food to cook.
i enjoy being with my daughter for these precious last two years home.
and generally, i can find the happy in a moment.
but some things just irk me.
like kids who are completely dishonest or two faced.
my daughter and i just had a talk because i have been biting my tongue for months.
not saying.
and no, it's not my daughter.
it's someone else.
but it affects my daughter.
someone who talks badly about adults.
drinks til drunk.
has sex.
lies while acting innocent.
i know it for a fact.
she's done it with me.
i've seen her encourage another to lie as well.
and yet, silent.
not my sandbox to play in.
not my circus, not my monkeys.
is it?
it's life altering for my daughter.
it has been a huge stress.
and i've walked with her.
encouraged her to stand up for herself.
been near...
i haven't solved it.
but today,
i said something to someone.
and now it just makes me sad.
because in order to really be heard,
i would have to tell all.
i would have to let it all out.
and i'm not willing.
not my job.
i don't think.
it just feels like life is becoming a lie for my daughter.
and that is so hard because we already had to live that way.
for us to live that way now is painful.
i see it in her.
and she's doing it without her best friends near.
i need wisdom.
and kindness.
and gentleness.
there be some younguns that should be getting oscars for their performances.
it makes my heart hurt.
i'd rather see kids mess around
mess up
be a pain
and do it honestly
when it's sneaky,
it adds such a horrible aspect.
what do you do when your kid is being pushed
and prodded
and forced to be a part
of a big ol
you pray.
let go.
hang onto your kid.
and support whatever they decide.
and love all involved.
but it sure feels like the blank is gonna hit the fan.
oh my goodness.
yes it does.

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