Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


walking with my daughter through life these last months has been a little bit painful.  she is not your typical drama queen.  as a matter of fact, she pretty much just wants everyone to get along.  but she has been carrying some burdens that are hard to handle for a 16 year old.  she has knowledge of events that she wishes she did not.  she sees things that sadden her beyond belief.  and she found herself taken aside by a teacher today and being advised to stay out of the drama.  she didn't know what the teacher was talking about.   she found out later.  firestorm.  she cried.
life has been pretty hard since this summer. yet, over and over, she has just figured out how to cope.  now, she is just saddened.  and so wise.  "it will pass by.  this is why i want to be a counselor."  in the end, she decided that she will let the drama subside and then offer an apology (though she didn't do anything wrong intentionally) with no expectations.  she also knows that there's a friend that she wants to talk to.  she's known the friend a very long time and has been struggling deeply.  she said that she wants to figure it out since they'll know each other all of their lives.  she decided also to talk to her oldest brother this weekend.  she is having to look for a new support group these days....another stressor on her young heart.
god has hold of her.  she's praying it through.  she's owning what she needs to do and what her responsibility is.  but she is still aching.  she wishes that she wasn't carrying such a burden of knowledge.  she talks to her mama which is nice, but still, she feels helpless.
my prayer is that she will learn to let go of what she can't be in charge of and say what she needs to say.  she cried when i told her that she can be kind, she can own what is hers to own, but that she doesn't have to accept being treated badly.  she is allowed to say that it's not ok.  calmly.  lovingly.
wish i'd been half as mature as she is.
so, we walk.  and walk.  and walk.  through life as a young woman/teen.  and i have to say that it's a beautiful thing.  i love her heart.  i marvel at her insight.  she faces the topics of sex, drugs, studying, relationships, being involved in activities, having a job and everything in between with such a sweet honesty.  she is rather weary of a world where so many young people are dabbling in things that are not the best for them.  it weighs heavily.  she doesn't know how to help them.  but, she does pray.  she does see.  she does love.  a lot.
she'll make a great counselor.
as for me, i'm just blessed to get to do this walking with her.

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