Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

small group kinda gal

i like.....small.
if you see me in a crowd, i'll be with one or two.
if i am invited to a huge do...i'll most likely bail.

i like good food.
love it.
and yummy desserts.
nom nom nom.

i like sunny days.
rainy days.
snowy days.
cloudy days.
i like life.

i smile.
not fake.
although i can.
but normally, i'm pretty amazingly happy.

i get hurt when snubbed.
or shut down.
or ridiculed.
or minimalized.
because i struggle to share my heart.
to be vulnerable.
to be authentic.
and it's a gift.
and if you throw it back at me
it hurts.
a lot.

i choose open.
and vulnerable.
and genuine.
because it gives others freedom to do the same.
i like seeing people free.

i like being reached out to.
semi regularly
with care.
it makes me feel valued.

i like my little group.
or even just one.
i'm not rude.
nor antisocial.
nor shy.
i just do better
am not so overwhelmed
am more peaceful
with those few that i'm close with.
making it even harder when my group,
my tribe
my girls
are splintered.
i'd sometimes rather just be alone than
work at being with a huge group of socialites.

i'm a small group kinda' gal.
worth knowing.
but still
every so loyal
and badass.
and if you are in my small group
you know that there's no time
no thing
no thought
that i won't walk through with you.

small group kinda' gal.
i'm just who i am.

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