Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

pajama day

jammy alert!  four in the house. not a one got out of pj's today.  hmmm.  it's now 5:18pm.  guess we won't.  frankly, it has been relaxing.
i've gone through the christmas lights.  i've lounged around.  i'm getting ready to make some steaks.  but mostly, i've watched movies and dozed.  and drank coffee.  and just plain rested.  oh, i productively decided what i'd like christmas to look like from pinterest.  that was inspiring.
life is easier now.
then my daughter came and said that dad wants them early tomorrow. not at 1.  nice of him to let me know.  sigh.
i am thinking of taking them away for a bit over christmas.  the kids.  somewhere.  maybe not far.  but somewhere fun.  laid back.  inexpensive would be nice.  because i don't want him to do so at the last minute.
i know. it seems petty.  but i don't feel petty.  i just don't want to have something slammed down my throat at the last minute.
i got pajama day.
he gets thanksgiving.
we already did it.  ate.  played.  and we're good.
and now we had pajama day.  we don't have to DO anything to be together.  we just are.  of course, my son was supposed to put up the lights tomorrow morning. ah. well.  never to be deterred by my having plans with the kids, he invited them to breakfast as well.
it's weird.  he nabs the holidays up.  like he's afraid.  maybe he has to look good.  i feel less concerned.  don't care how i look to others anymore.  care how my kids actually feel about me.
27 days til christmas.  gotta get on that!
too many pajama days might be considered lazy...but a few...glorious!

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