Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Rising Stress

I know that my in laws coming is wreaking havoc in my body and mind.  I try to remind myself that she has no say over me.  That what she says and does can't hurt me.  But it does.  Being told that I'm not a part of "them" is painful....although a part of me is glad.  Not painful because it's what I want to strive for anymore, but because I failed.  Because I am the topic of conversation.  Because I realize that that is going to get worse.  Makes me head ache even now. 
Why in the world would she have taught her son and other kids that they were better???  It is certainly not a blessing to those who end up living with it.  It's funny because her phone calls to my home never involve talking to me pleasantly.  Though I have tried to establish a relationship.  The last phone call and the last card told me that it was my fault that she hadn't reached me on my birthday.  Duh.  I have a cell phone. 
The fragile parts of me simply don't look forward to the stress.  But, that's just how it is.s  My brother in law is staying here.  There's a dilemma.  How to handle that.  Can I remain strong and do what I need to do?  Or do I need to cave and make everyone else comfortable.  And what does that say to my kids? 
But going to the ocean soon.  With waves and beauty and time.  The drive is always hard, but I'm sure it will be worth it.  Then, I get to come back and work a teaching job!!! Woot woot!
Now, to rest.  Stress demands more rest.  For health.  For sanity. 
And prayer.  Lots of it.  Lest you think I am simply a heathen who does not acknowledge that God simply is the reason and source of all.  He is amazing and giving.  Even when life is hard.  Especially then.

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