Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, July 2, 2012

lifting my voice

Psalm 59:16
But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.
i guess that god knew how lifting my voice in song would ease my troubled soul.  how it would turn my heart and thoughts toward Him.  how it would ease the ache.  cause dancing.  joy.  though nothing else changes.  only my focus.  i love that about Him.  that He takes right where i am and how i am and makes it beautiful.  makes it enough.  makes it for His glory.  His renown.  
i have some really hard things.  church is one of them.  but i am so thankful that the place is not the relationship.  that the building isn't what counts.  there is church where two or three are gathered.  wherever His people meet up.  and yes, i still like going to the building.  i still like the traditions.  i just need to find peace in it all once again.  even in taking communion.  my ex used to make me feel guilty about it.  mercy.  why in the world didn't i see earlier?  
but today?  today, i sing.  i dance.  i paint.  i think.  i pray.  i write.  i stop and be thankful.  truly thankful.  
for my best friend.
for my second son.
for thrift stores. 
for the internet.
for box fans.
for sweet sunshine.
for flowers. 
for well water.
for pretty mirrors.
for silly dogs.
for inspiration.
for hot water. 
for quiet times.
for work.
for the time to play.
for my daughter.
for my son, laughter.
for my inquirer.
for dreams.
for looking forward.
for planning.
for spontaneity.
for freedom.
for wisdom.
for a job.
for benefits.
for the ability to read.
for the ability to learn.
for my mind.
for my body.
my legs.  my hands.  my eyes.  
for shoes that don't hurt my hips.
for a place to rest.  
for gray paint.
for the ability to play while working.
for laughter.
for giving.
forgiving. ;)
my list just goes on and on.  trying to take time each day....several times a day...to stop for a moment and just be thankful.  for each and every thing.  because every good and perfect gift comes from the lord.  james said so.  
look at the gifts...and the troubles grow shadowy.  they lose your focus.  and in so doing...lose their power.
love to you.  i am praying for you.  you are on my heart.

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