Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

new place to live

i haven't moved.  but i've moved on.  i live in a new place. the kids and i have been busily changing our home these past weeks.  we've worked hard.  what's funny?  nobody ever comes over except for big events.  so, it will be an unveiling of sorts this weekend on my daughter's birthday dinner.  they are proud.  the family room was never that comfortable.  not...homey.  it's getting there.  and it's different.  totally different than anything we have had before.  tonight we moved a piano...from living room to family room.  that was a lot of work.  we did it anyway.  revamping.  recycling. redecorating. rethinking.  spent some tax money on a sectional and we ordered a tv...because it was so much cheaper online than in the store.  we will get it next week  the kids are soooo excited.  and so am i.  we have a home that we like hanging out in.  we have a comfy place.  and a clean kitchen to boot.  not amazingly so, yet, but getting there.  it will take awhile since it was in a state of decline.
tomorrow my daughter turns 16.  so proud of that sweet girl.  she is blessed with many other wonderful women who are her "other" mamas.  i feel blessed to get to be her mama.  she is strong.  she gets things. she is kind.  she is creative.  she is unafraid to be unique.  and...she can dance.  i love that.  she loves that she does this go away for her birthday thing with her friends and her other mamas.  she looks forward to it because it's fun, but also because others look forward to it.  it's the one time a year, the one day...where it's just those people.  where there's this small chunk of time cut out to be together.  it's pretty wonderful.  it's something i'll miss very shortly.  so, i'm going to go and party with the girl.  though i crave some quiet time.  though it means interacting way more than i usually want to.  that's ok.  it will be fabulous.  and i can rest up on monday...it's a school holiday.
i'm enjoying this new place.  enjoying feeling at home.  enjoying resting. think i'll sleep now.

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