Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


i am dedicated.  sold out.  purposeful.  i am intent.  i am going to be the very best mom that i can be.  with god guiding.  it has meant some serious changing.  softening.  hardening.  doing the right thing because it's the right thing.
for instance, this housecleaning routine we have.  it's so very hard for me.  i mean, seriously, who wants to work all day after getting up at 5:30 and then go home and clean the bathrooms or do the floors?  And make dinner.  And clean up after dinner.  Nobody.  Nobody wants to.  But, wanting and what is good for us are sometimes different.  What is good is taking the time to do what is important.  Taking time to make good habits.  Taking time to work together for our family.  Taking the time to show how to have good habits.  How to persevere when it's easier to quit.  How to give more.  Yes, we rest a lot.  We go to bed early.  By seven, we are on computers or something.  But, by pushing to do a good job, to ask a little more, to be a good example of what it is to care and try....I am changing how they respect me.  It's so hard.  Can't even say how hard.  And yet, it's so good.  It changes us.  They were singing Disney songs while they worked tonight.  Talking about what movie they were from.  They were bonding.  We were bonding. And we all get to be proud.  Of us.  Of our family.  Totally proud.
And we are working towards learning what it means to love God.  To be who He made us to be.  To not be as concerned about our careers as about who and how He made us.  It's fun to talk about.  Not beating them with scripture.  Letting them experience His acceptance.  His love.  His genuine searching for them and allowing them to choose to be found.  To reach out to Him.  For real.  Not because it's expected.  But because they learn to trust Him so much.
I am learning to be the mom I was supposed to be.  Even with my grown kids.  It's a good thing.  And it's never too late.  Loving.  Supportive.  Strong.  Happy.  Very happy.  Genuine.  Open.  Kind.  Tough.  Truthful.  It has been a good time of life.
But not easy.  It's a push to give any more for me.  I like quiet moments.  Alone time.  I need time to recharge.  But I put it aside enough to reach them.  To love on them.  To teach my introvert children that we can indeed do more.
i am dedicated.  not afraid.  nobody to impress.  it's just us.
and it's a beautiful thing to find our way.
i am blessed.

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