Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, February 23, 2014


for me, written words are a gift.  they last long.  forever, even. they put out there something that i think or feel towards someone and say, "i can't take this back, you have proof."  words are opening my heart.  my soul.
but, for most people, words aren't much.  perhaps for most people, they aren't  conceived in the deepest part of their soul. birthed with pain and work.  perhaps they don't know how vulnerable i am when i write.  it's like opening every closet and letting people look inside.  being willing to let them see me.
i was up at 4:30 this morning.  god awakened me.  a woman friend had written a long and painful sharing letter.  i guess i was awakened to respond.  to love. to let her know that someone was awake and heard her.  and i also wrote another letter.  and i've done some more too.
because i have decided to open my heart.  to let my thoughts out.  to show kindness by being vulnerable.  by sharing good with others.  by complimenting..genuinely.....no false praise, no schmoozing, no flattery.  just telling them the value that i see in them.
i want to start a movement of kindness.  without telling anyone that i'm starting a movement.  i want to start it within me.  i do it with my kids.  it works wonders.  so much so that when we got home, my son started singing "i love you, you love me, we're a happy family" spontaneously.  it was beautiful.  and yet, i'm holding them to a higher standard as well.  working hard to do that.  because i love them and i want to be their mom in every sense.
sharing of the heart.  sharing words.  it's a little dicey.  people tend to think i'm weird.  but i'll keep going.  because it's my passion.  my passion to show people their value.  their worth.  to show them my appreciation of them.  it may not make a bit of difference during my lifetime.  that's ok.  life is short.  but someday, those words will still be there to build up others.  to show how it's possible to share good.
for me, they are art.

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