Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

I made it

I went to church.  I talked to a few people.  Not a lot...a few.  But, I was brave.  I kept reminding myself of what fearless should look like, feel like.  Jaunty.  Upbeat.  Ready to face the world.  I wore a skirt and a cute jacket.  A pretty scarf.  I wore stinkin' high heeled boots.  Really cute, I might add.  I stood tall.  I sang loudly.  I really tried to simply worship.
I got there.  I was deciding where to sit.  I was going to sit in a different place.  But, then I decided that I would walk way up towards the front where "our" row is and sit with my middle son.  Well, I got there...and he wasn't there.  But my eldest shows up to tell me that dad says that I can sit with the family because I look lost.  I had already decided.  I don't need permission.  Not at all.  It was a bit draining.  Ok, maybe a lot draining.  But I did more than show up.  I even talked to the pastor's wife.
Had company all afternoon.  It was really nice.  We had ham and taters.  We LOVE ham and taters.  But I have to say that the games were a little wearing for me as my one son argues and competes and pushes...has to be central to it all...and I have to remember that he is my kid that has always been the daddy's boy.  I love him.  I was just overwhelmed because though I like the getting together and interacting, I have some pretty bad memories of it from my married days.  Now, I just have to make new memories.  Period.  Because my life can't simply stop having what could be fun times because some events trigger painful memories.  If I face my fears, my pains, they dissipate.  It's painfully wearing, but it will get better as time goes by.  Today I took a few minutes and went in my room to recover.  Just a few.  While everyone was here.  A breather.  A being kind to myself moment.  I am growing.
On a very bright note...I fit into a skirt and jacket that couldn't button just a few months ago!  That's awesome.  I want to be healthier.  I want to be trimmer.  Not skinny...just less lumpy. ;)  Working is good for me.  Regular, hard, moving around and doing a lot....real work.  I am still a pretty sedentary person, but I can see that changing as time goes on.
Fearless.  Thanks be to God for just the right word for me.  Exactly right.  It is blessing me.

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