Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I am spending time in life observing my priorities.  No, not setting them...observing them.  I am trying out doing what I want to do, feel like doing, spending time with whom I want to spend time with.  I am observing.  It's like research.  I'm looking to see what my priorities ACTUALLY are, not what I wish they were or what someone may tell me that they should be.
I find that there are things that I do, people that I'm with that make life really good.  Not just tolerable....amazing.  Great.  Fabulous.  And life is good.  And I was created to be in certain people's lives and to do certain things.  There are things that I enjoy and I believe that when I engage in them, others are blessed as well.
I spent so many years trying to make my priorities be something specific but it turns out that maybe I missed the point about what and who is actually important to me.  Not what should be important...what is.
I enjoyed a lovely afternoon today relaxing.  It was energy giving.  And that got me thinking about how important it is for me to think about what is important to me
I want to be authentically me.  Including be honest about what is important to me.  I'm not talking about being selfish.  Just being real.  Being genuine.  Not working to please.  Paying attention to who and what draw me.

I want to be with some people more.  I want to be with other people less.  I want to do some activities more and others, I don't ever want to do again.  I want to do those things without guilt.  Without holding back.  I want to see what comes from embracing the fullness of who I was created to be...without all of the expectations of others.
I want to love and be loved.  For real.  No holding back.  I want to give my heart.  Fully.  To being content in each moment.  To be fully present.
I am happy.  So happy.

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