Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, January 14, 2013

what people say

so people say the strangest things.  they judge where i am in life.  they tell me how god feels about it.  they tell me that i know better.  people tell me that i'm following satan.  i've heard how i should change my ways.  how i don't know what it is to suffer.  all of these comments have come from people who have not walked with me.  who don't have background knowledge.  who have known me but aren't with me regularly.  i am stunned by some of the things i hear. and more...i am stunned by what it means that they think.  of themselves.  of god.  they behave as if there is a scale.  a measuring stick.  that some are higher and others are lower.  they behave as if i have committed the worst sin every committed.  and yet, these same people entertain others that have been divorced AND remarried...committed adultery....multiple times.....had premarital sex....had children out of wedlock....drug addicts.....but why in the world is my separating from my husband and saying so troubling them so much?
i think that it's because i decided to be open about it.  that i decided to just own it.  that i decided that my shame is mine alone and they don't get to make it worse.  i think that the fact that i've decided that i will be fearless..and it is a daily, moment by moment decision....it isn't easy...it isn't mainstream.  but i've decided that god gave me this word this year for a reason.  to change my life.  to grow me.  to teach me.  to help others.  to reveal himself and his glory.
and i want to do that.  no matter what people say.

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