Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, September 2, 2013

another good day

life is bright.  shining.  full of potential.  i am hopeful.  joyful.  i see that life changes and it changes me but it doesn't have to destroy me.  that by letting go, forgiving and simply working to see clearly, praying to think kindly, i can grow into the woman i was created to be.
we each have a place to fill in the world.
mine is unique.
as is yours.
so, we all need to keep moving.  even if it feels like a very slow journey.  even if we slip on the rocks.  always learning.  always getting stronger.
the life in the living is what's important.
the breath in the being.
i am not a victim.
i had a lot of crap happen to me that nobody wants to hear or see.  but...it's not about them.  it's about pointing to a god who is enough.  and....he IS enough.
so, i face another day.
three kids shy of my full set.
but so dang proud of how they are.  of where they are.
i might hurt.  cry.  weep even.  but i won't ever hold them back.  or stop believing in them.  their journey is circuitous as well.
they are finding their way.  their purpose.  their hope.  their faith.
i pray.  i love.  i believe for them when they can't even see to believe.
i'm their mom.
i'm their parent.
it's another good day.
off i go.  things to do.  rest to be had as well.

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