Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

off of the throne

life is a matter of balance.  it's good to teach kids to express themselves.  to say what they need.  what they want.  it's good for them to be in tune with not allowing themselves to be abused or demeaned.  but, perhaps our society has gone a little overboard and thrown kids out of whack.  because they seem to think that the ONLY measure is how they feel and what they want and what is convenient and what feels good and what tastes good.  and that is not healthy.  it is not a lifestyle that will serve them or others well.  it will not exhibit jesus.  it will not serve.  it will not grow a community.  if everyone thinks only of being served and being made comfortable....then, what happens when there's a need that means giving up something that makes them comfortable?
kids have been put on the thrones of their own lives.
i say it's time to let them get off gracefully.
remind them of who belongs on the throne.
remind them that life is about serving the king that belongs on the throne.
remind them that sometimes self can be put aside without it being abusive.
remind them that jesus served....and died...though it didn't feel good and wasn't convenient.
and he asks them to follow his lead in that kind of love.
he wasn't a victim.
he made a choice.
a choice to give.
in order to bring glory to the king.
in order to bring others to the king.
in order to hear the king say, "well done."
he didn't abuse himself.
he didn't say, "it's ok to be mean to me."
he forgave.  he didn't excuse. he held accountable.
yet....he was willing to be uncomfortable sometimes in order to meet the needs of others.
my kids have opened my eyes to these facts this week.
they have shown me how vastly unexpected it is for people to serve as they are.  especially at their ages.
and they have shown me how the words of the bible are meaningless without the action behind them.   just as meaningless as the actions without the words and promises.
i have learned.
i am blessed.
self esteem is important.
because when we have it, we can choose who to serve.  when we don't have it, we are always serving self in an effort to find it.

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