Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


life is so....full.  of happy.  and sad.  and laughter.  and tears.  and work.  and play.  and hope.  and despair.  and they all get mixed up together.  never one thing all at once.
this week is the week of the colorado 2013 flood.  over 1200 people have been evacuated by helicopter.  almost 18,000 homes have been damaged.  fifty bridges.  1400 people are missing...haven't been heard from yet.  6 are dead.  pets are lost.  sludge covers yards and floors and roads and parks.  sewage geysers burst from the ground when the pressure builds up and spew raw sewage into the air like old faithful.  the national guard works 24/7 to be sure that people aren't doing anything stupid.  kids have been stranded, separated from their parents by the raging water.  barricades are set up.  people are living in towns that will have absolutely no access in a month...if they choose to stay there.  in our town, as the rain pounded down today...again....evacuation notices came every hour. usually "leave NOW"  notices.  a friend's family got that notice.  but, then it was lifted within the hour. but we had loaded up the dog and the cats and the desktop computer...so, we all just settled in.  and it was a comfort.  a joining. nice to have others in the house.  to all snuggle in and hear the laughter of the teens.
and tomorrow there is this huge event.  huge.  massive.  for the kids of lyons, colorado.  because these kids can't go back to their school until the roads, bridges, electric and sewers are all fixed in their little town.  they are part of our school district.  my kids go to school there.  and my daughter wanted to do something to help.  so we decided to get the kids together.  and i think that there are going to be 800 people there!!  i was just hoping someone would show up.  and i'm marveling at how god does things when we just listen and go forward.  people i don't know are giving food and drinks and supplies.  i'm overwhelmed at the outpouring.
so much emotion.  joy.  peace.  wondering.  thinking.  planning.  and just trying to wrap my mind around so much loss.  and so much kindness in the aftermath.  and wondering why we aren't always like that.  someone talked to me at church today that hasn't talked to me in a long time.  who purposefully walks the other way.
my ex is being weird.  he said he needed to take the kids out to lunch to talk to them about what has been happening.  mind you, it's been "happening" for four days.  and then later he texted me thank you for doing this thing for lyons.  and i realized that he also wanted to take the kids out to get info.  he's a news guy.  it was just strange.  but then i irritated him because i said that i didn't want him to take our son to the other side of town to watch the game because our town is bisected by the flood waters...and when it rains, they close the roads again.  he was "i wouldn't do that".  turns out that they didn't go watch the game anywhere.  my son had looked forward to it.
so my mind is busy.  though i'm tired and a bit drained.  i had awakened with a tummy ache about four a.m.  a friend saw that i had been on facebook and started texting me.  of course, by then, i had gone back to sleep, but i answered.  we texted for an hour or so.  then it was time to get up and see my daughter before she went to choir. then it was a kinda busy day.  i guess i forgot to take my sunday nap!  amazing.
with all that has been going on, for some reason having more people in our house feels right and good.  it feels safe and comfortable.  i am content tonight.  and...i am wondering how tomorrow will go.  a huge event...all because a young lady wanted to "do something" to help.  i hope she sees the hand of god and how listening to him creates miracles.
life is ALIVE.  active.  moving.  changing.  these are hard times where i live.  but they are good too.

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