Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

will it be lonely?

i was in the tub thinking.  i love my deep tub.  my hot baths.  very pleasant.  as a matter of fact, it was on vacation that i took my first shower in about a year.  and i used to be all about showers.  slowing down, i guess.
but i was thinking about what i wrote before.  thinking about how the reality of life is that most of my current friends will be...or are and will remain....married in our old years.  And how I had rather pictured being some of those girls that go on girl trips and hang out, but that it's probably unrealistic.  and i tried to think through how i feel about that.  still not really sure.  but i think it will be ok.  i think that i'll learn.  because looking around, most of my friends will really enjoy that.  i'm just....content.  i like having friends.  i like getting to go out without guilt.  i like coming home without owing sex.  yes, it was a payment for getting time away.  demanded and expected.  and so...i like not having to face demands  when i'm tired or simply content to go to sleep.  i also like not having the incessant jealousy.  it was way too much.
and the thing is...i didn't know before i was married.  so, i guess i figure that the same thing could happen again.  my ex is mr. charming.  choir boy.  sunday school teacher.  athlete.  hard worker.  see?  all's good, right?  but it wasn't.  i even asked all of the questions about faith and future and vision.  but somehow i missed something.  i don't regret him.  i wish i would have understood sooner.  i wish that i would have done less damage to myself in the  process.  but i am honestly not sure that i would want to try that long term thing with anyone else.  i was more miserable than i can explain.  i don't want to spend the rest of my life miserable.  but, i also really don't want to get divorced again.  so....singleness seems like a lovely option.  with friends.  companions.
but when i picture my friends all married off and me alone, i know that it'll be a little lonely. but, i guess that i'll just have to have adventure.  write my book.  watch sunsets.  it'll be ok.  i know it will.

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