Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


i can't really say that i went through a difficult divorce.  i went through a difficult marriage.  the divorce? not so much.  but, i planned it that way.  i had already handled all i could handle.  i had already been pushed down.  and i was not going to fight over anything.  i wasn't getting a lawyer.  i was giving him nothing to compete against or push against.  not saying that it wasn't stressful...it was.  not saying that i wasn't appalled by the drama that ensued though i tried to have none.  but i am saying that in comparison to the difficulty of my marriage...it was easier.  my marriage did a number on me.  crushed me in many ways.  getting out of it was necessary.  but i was afraid.  i knew how it could end up.  i knew how he could make things be impossible.  so, i determined when i began the proceedings....yes, it was me that filed....that i wouldn't fight.  i wouldn't fight to get the kids.  wouldn't fight over money.  wouldn't fight over possessions.  and it was hard to tow the line.  to stay with that thought.  because i have "rights".  but i realize now that i was exercising my right to do it differently.  to not subject myself to any more pain than i was already going to have to face.
and i am thankful for that insight that i had about myself.  for the knowing that i needed to back off and get away more than i needed to have anything "my way".
divorce is difficult on so many levels.  this has not been a piece of cake.  i'm glad i chose to be deliberate about not battling.  i even told him that if he wanted to fight he would find himself fighting by himself because i'd had enough fighting.
glad for the more peaceful times.

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