Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Gold Star

I'm pretty sure that I nearly berated myself tonight.  I was in the car returning a movie and all I could think was how tired I was and how I just wanted to take a bath and lay down.  And I thought how lazy I was.  And how so much needs to be done.  And how so many people do it so much better. And then...

I stopped.

I got up at 5:45 this morning and left the house with my teens at 6:50.  I made coffee before we left.  Fed the dogs.  Took the dogs out a couple of times.  Woke up my son.  I drove them 7 miles in the opposite direction of where I work because I enjoy being with them in the morning though it takes time out of my day and makes me get to work later than is always comfortable.  I went to work.  I connected with some kids that need so much more than math facts and reading skills.  I was firm.  I was kind.  Very kind.  All day.  I didn't raise my voice.  I did and re-did things to train them.  To teach them routine and structure.  I left work more than nine hours after I had arrived, dropped a friend at home, went to the bank and went home to COOK A HOMEMADE MEAL.  We sat down and ate together.  We discussed life.  And college stuff.  And fitting in.  I wiped the counters and rinsed dishes.  Loaded the dishwasher.  Left the pans.  Went to return the movie.  And THAT'S where I was when I was telling myself how I need to kick it in gear and do better.
But then I decided.  I don't deserve such bad thoughts, I deserve a gold star and a pat on the back.  I ROCKED this day.  I chose a good attitude.  I chose laughter and love.  I chose happy. I chose faith.  I chose giving.
And suddenly....I even thought that maybe I really might sorta kinda be worthy of a gold star.  Just for those simple things that I did today.
I'm used to living where nothing is enough.
Turns out.....doing what's put before me for today is enough.  I am enough.  Because Jesus is enough.
Gold star it is.

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