Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


it is piossible to live in the midst of abundance and be starving.  i live in a country where most people have access to too much food.  the abundance.  opulence.  greatness.  choices.  availability.  food is everywhere.  it's on the street.  in the garbage.  in store windows.  you can drive through.  you can buy prepackaged everything.  explaining why....so many people are literally overweight and starving all at once.  i am having to remember that putting in calories is not what my body needs.  it needs nutrition.  and i can fill myself with loads of things and not be healthy.
just as in the world of relationships i can have many.  i can appear to be surrounded.  cared for.  i can look happy.  but if i don't put in the things that make healthy relationships, if i don't choose healthy people...then...i can starve relationally.  my needs go unmet.  i wither.  i saw it happen.
this year, i have done better relationally.  but...health wise...i've blundered.
i am getting back to it.
i made my smoothie today.
it's like my very cells have been craving the nutrients.
i fill myself with the easy.
with the tasty.
with the handy.
but when i fill myself with what is real.
and health full.
when i read and learn.
when i accept that health is a gift.
that food is a gift.
that god intended good to go in to make my body strong.
when i don't view it as a diet.
but as a pleasure.
a joy of being provided for.
whether it's what i put into my life in food.
or in relationships.
i need to be sure that it's helping.
making stronger.
making healthier.
i get to choose.
that means that i am responsible.
i don't care about weight.
but i care about health.
about well being.
i need to do better.
for me.
for those i love.
because if i don't feed my cells,
the rest of me falls apart.
gets sicker.
and i've been weak.
i need to do better.
in with nutrition.
because it shows that i care about myself.
and i shouldn't starve myself of what i really need
while filling myself with things that cause me to crave more
because they don't satisfy.
i want to have that which satisfies.
i want to be healthy.
not one or the other.

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