Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

walking along

 we are walking.  yesterday it was three miles around the lake.  with our three dogs.  the three of us.  it was far.  we were brave.  we enjoyed.  we felt good and accomplished.

and the sun settled in behind the mountains.  easing itself gently down for the night.  it was gorgeous.  
our dogs were so happy.  and....after most of the three miles, our one year old would heel and sit when i told her.  happy.

 my daughter wore her slippers.  a little humorous.
 look, there's my shadow.  i'm so tall!! and my dog looks big...but she's really the size of a corgi.  ha.  we walked and walked and walked.
 and the sun kept settling down.  it was truly gorgeous.  joyful.  though a path is hard and long, there is still joy.  this trip reminded me of that fully.  my first real walk in about nine months and i went three miles.  tonight was only one mile.  but i'm walking again.
 up. moving. choosing joy.  choosing good.  choosing to open my eyes and see.  really see.  to enjoy.  to be joy full.  to serve.  to laugh. to dance.  to be crazy.  to be thankful.  to be involved in my own life.  alert to it.  not settling.

i walked around this lake.  i am getting stronger.  because one day, i am going to walk around europe.  i am going to prepare.  to be ready.  it's not here yet, but it's coming.  and i am going to be not only physically strong, but i am going to be a joy expert.  i am going to be able to see the good even on the down days..  i'm going to be able to be thankful even when things don't go according to plan.  i am going to be ready to savor every scent, view, voice, moment.  because i am in training one step at a time.  life is a dear gift.  i've come to appreciate it.  and though it was too long coming, hopefully not too late.  knowing that life is short a a good reminder.  and i shall be glad of the reminder.

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