Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

still with me

my mom passed away over 43 years ago.  she was just 24 years old and i was five.  wow.  a lot of years have gone by.  how can it be that she is with me still?
i shared this on facebook today.  a distant relative reminded me that my mom would know me instantly in heaven.  i bawled.  i mean, i read it and wept all in one motion.  because my mom is still with me.  somehow her love has transcended the years.  her strength.  perhaps it is the residue of her prayers that has stuck on me.  i don't know.
i just know that she is more a part of me than the man that i spent over 20 years married to.  love does that. it connects.  it binds.  it makes me sad that i don't miss my ex, but i truly don't.  i'm glad to have moved on.  it was certainly time.  and yet, i wonder if people think that i just don't have what it takes to stick.  to understand.
i know that is not true.  my mother has been gone for all of those years and yet her love remains with me still.  i have friends that are like that too.
i loved my ex the very best i could.  it was not reciprocated.  i was not someone who pleased.  but, i pleased my mom.  she knew me and liked me.  yep, i was only a little kid.  but i was her little kid.  hers alone.  she raised me and took care of me.  she talked to me and taught me songs.  she gave me something secure to carry me through life.
i am so very blessed to have had a mother's love.  though it was brief.  very brief.  nonetheless, it was.  and that makes all of the difference.

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