Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

there comes a time

tonight i realized that the happier i am, the happier i am.  deep, huh?  seriously, the happier i choose to be, then the happier i am about things, in situations...just happy.  i love the feel of it.  like comfy clothes.  it doesn't chafe or wear.  it's not trying hard.  it's simply choosing.  be happy.  now.  in this moment.  even if....i'm hurting.  or weary.  or overwhelmed.  or feeling stupid.
be.  happy.
what would i do if i WAS happy?
do that.
and strangely.  slowly.  happy becomes a lifestyle.
stand up a little taller.
choose to have a spring in my step.
sing silly songs.
speak blessings.
be completely silly.
choose a life of happy.
that make a life.
there comes a time when it's simply up to me.
how do i choose to live?
nobody to blame.
nobody to make the decision for me.
what i do.
how i act.
what i become.
how i get there.
how i treat others.
it's completely up to me.
my past doesn't define it.
other's opinions don't either.
and i choose happy.
because it's amazing.
and if i create it within me.
well, then
i have this vision
that maybe i can share it around
little notes
moments of laughter.
silly with others
saying the good
and maybe it will spark their happy too.
because there comes a time when i have to own teh fact that
i have purposes in this world
and i know that one of them is to lift others up.
so i gotta choose for me first
have to give myself the benefit first.
i think
the time

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