Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday

I wasn't going.  Nope.  Hunkered down at my computer to while away the hours.  Tired.  Ready for rest.  But, some little  part of me....felt like I should. Like it was practically irresponsible to let it simply go by.  But, I pushed the guilt aside and began to write.  But then, someone else needed me to pick something up at wally world.  So, I agreed immediately.  Hesitating only long enough to wash my face and put on shoes......I was out the door.  Just for a quick pick up.  Sure.  I got what I needed.  Got something else too.  And then, the call came from my son regarding the computer he was looking for.  And, could I "just look" for him.  So, Wally World, Best Buy, Target, Radio Shack....with a very quick interlude at Hobby Lobby.  That was my not doing Black Friday day!!  And, it was fun.  It was good.  A little more overwhelming than one would think, but very good.  Son has laptop.  Friend has a gift.  I have my sanity.  And, I still enjoyed my day.
All of that to explain how my plans are never the way things actually happen.  Well, maybe occasionally.  But not usually.  And a good thing about me is that I adapt and am flexible.  I am able to enjoy another thing as much as what I planned.  Usually.  I think that it's important to realize that life doesn't always fall smoothly.  It's not always what I want or desire.  Or thought I wanted.  But, just because I didn't realize it, doesn't mean that something that I didn't think of can't be just as good...or better.
Today there are two very happy teens in the world.  And all it took was a few hours and a few lines.  I gave lots of smiles and thank yous.  It was worth it.
I need to remember that about all parts of my life.  That many things can make me happy.  Don't stubbornly hold onto my ideal.
grace to you.


  1. You have such a generous soul. Your life touches me as I think of you, waiting at the ready for someone to call on you today. In a flash, you were there. In a moments notice, you were out the door and off to help those who needed you so much. I am so proud of you. Your heart is amazing. And you are funny as you know what!! Thanks for writing, you made my day.

  2. It was a good start to an amazingly wonderful day that was nothing like I had pictured. Another moment when I'm glad that I'm not in charge of the world!!!


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