Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I was very brave today.  I went at interviewed for a job.  I know that doesn't sound like much.  I know that people interview every day.  But, it was a landmark moment for me.  It was landmark because I have had a couple of really bad interviews lately.  My confidence has been shot.  I have suffered from listening to the voice that I shouldn't.  And that is my fault.  My choice.  But, for awhile I couldn't make that decision.  Because I was overwhelmed.  Ashamed.  Full of hurting.  And I couldn't believe that I was able.  That I really could be the best choice.
But today.  Today.  It was new.  It was full of blessing.  I decided that I would walk through this open door though I was terrified and overwhelmed.  Though I wasn't sure I even wanted the job.  Though I can still hear that voice telling me all that I'm not.  I decided.  I decided that no matter what happened today, it doesn't say who I am.  I decided that no matter how I did or didn't do, it was good.  That what happens in my life if not about what I get or how successful I look but how much courage I show and how happy I live.  So, I decided to be happy today.  To share the real me.  To like the real me.  And to let her shine.  Not who they wanted to see.  But, who I am.
And, I probably won't get the job.  Because they have a long term sub that is a likely hire.  Evenso, I feel exuberant. Proud.  Joyful.  Peaceful.  Because I did not shrink back.  I went forward in my own life with courage and the absolute belief that God has a good plan for me.  And that I am not so pathetic that I'm going to mess it up.  I'm fun.  I'm nice.  I'm smart.  I'm kind.  I'm humble. hahahahhahaha.  Seriously, I had to pray and talk to myself all the way to the interview and then some.  It wasn't EASY....and I DID IT!!!!
Look, here I am having my own little celebration party.  Let me just say that when my husband heard that I probably wouldn't get the job since there is a long term sub already in place, he lost interest.  Imminent money was his goal. ;)  Not to be deterred, I ignored his self centeredness.  And I am HAPPY!!!!
grace to you.

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