Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


When doing a remodel or reconstruction, the first step is to see a need, the next, to make a plan, and the next? To begin by taking things apart.  And it's like that in life.
I have spent time learning again to live on my own.  To think differently.  I've had to take apart the thoughts and beliefs that had been built up over the years. And now, I need to construct new ones.
The same is true of my home.  The kids and I are pulling apart.  Moving around.  Changing.  It's quite a mess.  An exhilarating mess. In the last couple of days, the living room has been completely pulled apart.  Completely a wreck.  Drawers and cabinets emptied. It's amazing.  And...it's good.
To go through.  To look.  To remember.  To see things.  And....to finally.....change things.  To deconstruct not for the purpose of making a mess but for the purpose of reconstructing in a new fashion.  Because, until you get back to a firm foundation, a good format or a strong base...there's no point in trying to build something new.  It takes losing.  Tearing down.  Taking apart.  Examining. Drawing up plans.  It all starts with a dream.  Or a necessity.  But it has to start.
I've begun.  It is satisfying.  Incredibly hard....but indesribably satisfying.  Because I can see forward...to the new construction.  When God builds the house it will not fall.  I trust Him.  I see His hand.  And I can't wait to see how the work comes together.  In my home.  In my life.
blessings my friends.

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