Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, May 18, 2012


And my God will provide all your needs according to His riches in glory.  Or according to His glorious riches.
God.  Not me.  Not worry.  Not anyone but God.  The Provider. Jehovah-jireh.  Lord God Provider.  He has it.  I should trust Him...because He has it all.  From emotions to physical things to finances.  He has all of the resources and an abundantly kind and gracious heart.
Provide.  Not necessarily give.  Well, not without effort.  As in, I provide my kids with food to eat, but I don't scoop it into their mouths.  They have to show up.  They have to eat it.  It's there.  It's available.  He provides talents and dreams and hopes and passions to help us to have all of our needs met.  All.  Including finances, but not excluding our other needs.
YOUR needs.  Each one.  Individually.  Corporately as well.  But, I love that He sees what I need.  As my own person.  How I need to grow.  What I need to learn.  What will calm my spirit.
His riches.  Not mine.  Not the world's.  Not Bill Gates'.  His.  He made it all.  He owns it all.  He is the giver of all good things.  He has everything at His feet...at His disposal.  And there is nothing too big for Him.
Some people say that the "in glory" part means that it was just talking about heavenly riches.  Spiritual things.  True that they are included.  A part of the whole package.  But God addresses the needs of the here and now throughout the Bible.  To provide for the homeless, the weak, the widows, the prisoners.  Not to simply offer them a spiritual platitude.  So, I don't think that He offers me spiritual platitudes.  I think that it probably translates more like other translators have it....according to His glorious riches.  In every aspect.  Mental.  Intellectual.  Physical.  Emotional.  Spiritual.  Financial.  Food.  Drink.  Everything.  He knows what is necessary and He has what it takes to meet the needs.  Especially the needs of our hearts.  Our deepest fears.  He knows how to care for them.  For us.  And He doesn't do it in a stingy fashion.  He does it according to what He has...which is infinite.  Grace.  Power.  Provision.  Faith.
He is able.  He does it.  Without unkindness.  With great joy.  He is pleased to have me turn to Him.  I love that.  And I am so thankful to Him for meeting me where I am in every aspect of my life.  He is good.

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