Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Nobody really seems to want to hear it or see it....but I am fulfilled.  I am content.  I am happy.  I am absolutely giddy with being able to rest in God.  Trust Him.  See Him work.  Give Him credit.  Not a day goes by that He doesn't show something new.  Holds me close.  Helps me through.  I made it through church.  Only a little shivery. 
I took the kids to a nice lunch.  It was so good.  A really relaxed and talking time.  Sharing.  It was different.  Relaxed.  Back and forth.  Everyone participating.  Lovely.
Then running shoe shopping.....and blessed again.....half price day at our favorite store.  The greatest part about that is that my two kids were already at a local sporting goods store...big chain...and I just didn't feel good about it.  Our other store is a RUNNING store.  We always get the right shoes when we go there.  So, I told them that I would take them the 25 minute drive to get shoes...they had to hurry because it closed in an hour and a half.  They came home.  We went.  We got there and it was a HUGE event sale.  And I knew that the voice talking to me...that nagging feeling I'd had about them buying the shoes at the other place, had been God's prompting.  So glad I listened.  Last year I bought three pairs of shoes and a pair of shorts and paid over 400.  This year, I bought six pairs of shoes and shorts and paid 375.  Not cheap.  But good.  Right.  
My one son is buying his own shoes. :)  So, it cost me a lot less. 
Then, as we left the store, a woman called me about a free cabinet I had emailed about.  She was only three blocks from where we were!  We fit it in the trunk and drove home very carefully because the trunk wasn't closed all the way.
On my way, I passed the auction I had intended to go to.  I went back and got there in time for the last hour and a half.  I got a french provencial desk for 10....I've been looking for that style and they keep being way too high even at thrift stores.
I am all ready to get things cleaned up and painted and ready to go.  I spent 37 at the auction altogether and got two pieces of furniture and all kinds of metal pieces to plant in.  Can't wait.
Blessed.  Deeply and truly.  Cared for. 
And to think that a lot of it comes just in being able to "risk".  Not playing it safe but leaning wholly on Him.  Love it.  Love Him.  He changes me.

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