Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Growing.  Changing.  Learning.  All are a process.  Getting a job...a professional job, has reminded me of this.  I began this journey nearly three years ago.  Really, only 21/2.  But it has been long.  By the time I actually step foot in a classroom, it will have been about three years.  I can't believe it.  And yet, the journey is part of what will make me a better employee.  It is hat has helped to change me.  To allow me to see that I don't want just "any" job.  I want the right job for me.  I do understand that I need to earn a paycheck.  But I also understand that I need to feel like I am contributing.  That I am able to use my gifts and personality. 
This journey frustrates me at times.  I am a good teacher.  Better than good, really.  Yet, I lack the current vocabulary.  I chafe against the pulling teachers away from students and putting them in front of paperwork.  To be a great teacher takes a lot of reflection time.  Time to think of each student.  Time to evaluate.  Time to regroup.  But, I want to dive in in some ways.  To see if I have what it takes. 
But what I have learned about me is that I'm not only a teacher.  I love painting the furniture.  Working in my garden. Dreaming.  Planning.  Envisioning.  I thrive on beauty. 
And I love time with my kids.  Real time.  Even just moments.  Cherished.  Wonderful.  Blessed.  And this time of subbing has given me that outlet. 
It's hard to get my hopes up.  I know that I haven't interviewed well.  But, I also know that God has a plan for my life.  For my abilities.  And I'm going to trust Him to bring that plan to be.  As He has been about doing these years. 
I had a good year.  I subbed.  That had terrified me before.  But I did it!  Pretty amazing.

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